Summer – Where did it go .. and can I find “it”?

Well it’s the second week of August and my two teens are back at school. It’s hard to believe, but we are back into the swing of normalcy .. early morning wake-ups, ironing clothes, school lunches made and mom’s taxi service resumes. Summer zoomed by – with four back-to-back weekends away from home the very last weeks .. and very little running in between.

By early July I was still feeling my “overuse” pain in my shin .. a result of my “inner-athlete” shining through January-June. In my head I had earned that pain .. racking up the miles along the way. I was able to finally reach a few goals I had set for myself that had been taunting me like a carrot dangling in front of a rabbit – or in runners tongue a new personal PR finally met! They may not be “Olympic” worthy .. but in my world it was huge! That’s what matters right?

Today, I will admit my running shoes (road & trail) have gotten a little dusty .. but I did begin to incorporate some strength training by way of T25. Knowing that strength training will benefit my love of running — this can only help (brain are you listening to me?)!

Deep down .. what am I afraid of? I’ve taken a break before .. it always come back and it seems that when it does my taste for being an athlete increases. My feet will remember what to do – my spirit and mommy-hood will benefit .. and I am sure my pup Z will be so much happier too! Now it’s time to head out and find it ..

How do you get back into the swing of things? What do you do to find “it”?

I’ve got a list of races and adventures waiting for me! Stay tuned to see what it’s store …

Hollywood .. No view!

In all of my years as a “non-athlete”, I never wanted to run to the top of the Hollywood Hills to see the infamous sign. Well, today was the day! At the break of dawn the quest was on! With running shoes on, my sleepy teen girl & two nieces in tow, we ventured up to the hills, only to be greeted by the So. Cal gloom! No Hollywood sign in site. A fellow runner pointed out to me that straight ahead, behind the gray, it was there. I couldn’t even make it out. The girls jokingly said “we got up early for this?”! The view of the city – not covered in the haze – was beautiful … the trails that intertwined all around were amazing. If only I could discover every single one. Yes, I was disappointed … but I will be back – running up the hills in search of the great white letters … that never used to interest me .. but now I must see! -Y


Ouch! Running break ..

Well it’s been 5 days of no running .. not my heads choice, but my body was saying {screaming} NO!! Towards the end of May, where I ran everyday for the month, I started to feel a little pain in my shin. I refused to listen to my body and continued to run and run and run. Three weeks later the pain was so bad I couldn’t take it anymore. I made the mistake and used good old “Internet M.D.” { .. not a recommended physician} and read that I could possibly have a serious injury – which in turn could have me sidelined for weeks! After the self-diagnosis freak-out, and visions of me missing summer runs and upcoming races, I decided to rest a few days. With the urging of running friends (and deep down knowing I should) I eventually went and saw someone who specializes in sports medicine. A few pokes, pushes and painful prods & screeching later, my pain was deemed overuse. My calf was actually the culprit not my shin .. running shoes rejoice! I was given the advice of ice, stretching (which I don’t do enough) and to use more of a jog, run, jog, run type of return to the road. This reads easier to do than I know it will be …

In my head I am either an all or nothing kind of gal .. so it doesn’t take me but a day or two to get all comfy and used to no early morning runs and lazy days of no gym. All the while knowing I should be cross training with yoga, swimming, cycling or weights .. so as to not relapse completely into my “not an athlete” type of life. Yep … none of that happened.

Enough was enough … and now my body was telling me I had rested just enough and was beginning to feel a little normal. Today I attempted an early morning run, jog, run return. It was a successful easy (although sluggish feeling) 4 miles with very little discomfort. Maybe it was that my body was ready or I was just excited to return to my outfit of choice – running skirt, tank and cheery bright kicks. No more “nothing” kind of days for me .. at least for now or until my body starts talking and when it does I will try my best to listen. Look out inner “athlete” it’s time to run ….


Snooze Button or Run …

I love to run and the earlier the better .. but there are some mornings when I’d rather hit that snooze button! Today was that day. The thought even crossed my sleepy-head at 4:30 a.m. .. just text the girls and back out!

I dug deep and made myself leave my warm, comfy bed to head downstairs. I will admit, seeing my running skirt, tank and brightly colored shoes all laid out ready to go made it a lot easier (well, slightly easier). Before I knew it I was dressed and headed out the door .. running feet ready — but not quite awake. On the eve of the first day of summer, with the sun rising as we ran, I chose to get up and run … even though my head was saying no!!!! In the end mental battle vs. snooze button … I won!

Sometimes we have to remember to choose to find our inner “athlete” when we least want to find her!


10 years ago I was bitten ..

10 years ago I was bitten by the bug – THE RUNNING BUG!

On a walk with my crazy pup, Ziva, I realized that 10 years ago this month I sucked it up and ran my first long distance race .. a full marathon in Kona, Hawaii. With little marathon training under my belt .. and never running more than a few 5k’s before that, I set forth to what I thought would be a relatively doable race. I can go back to the event like it was yesterday. The last 15 miles of the run I remember thinking in my head – when is this going to be over? Looking back I can feel the pain from not enough time on my feet, lack of proper hydration and fueling (not so great with the heat and humidity) and quite frankly being a little disappointed because in my head this was not the beautiful panoramic view I envisioned running the entire 26.2 miles. Nevertheless, I crossed the finish line smiling, crying and limping! Before I knew it I was ready to race again …

All those years, miles and lots of race t-shirts & race bling later, I’ve never really given much thought about my first running accomplishment. Maybe I’ve been so caught up in my current running abilities, or how I can improve, and planning my next race or 10 {road or trail .. still undecided}! It sure does feel good to know that we all start somewhere and the road to my inner athlete has sure come a long way! Cheers to the inner athlete in all of us and whatever road you’re on!

I’d love to hear about your first race … road, trail, bike race, first mile, 5k, 10k, half-marathon or full. Hearing others stories is always motivation and always good for the “sole”! –Y


{wh}Y Now an Athlete ..


Growing up a tall-uncoordinated girl .. I was never, NEVER, picked to be a part of a team. I tried out for everything – volleyball, basketball {hello .. I did say tall}, softball and cheerleading – not even sure what I was thinking there (remember “tall-uncoordinated”) and wasn’t selected for a single one. The only thing I could join was band {tallest trombone player in the marching line-up}, ha, because I couldn’t be turned down! In my head – I am not an athlete!

I sit here now, in the corner of my comfy couch, running feet up .. a “twenty-year wife”, mother of two crazy teens & a 4-legged pup, a vegetarian part-time vegan foodie and a dedicated running road & trail {race} fan … and some may even say now an athlete. Somewhere in my later 3rd decade, I decided to really run full force and haven’t stopped, only sped up! I have not only logged in miles, but have made some really great friends along the way who have inspired me and quite honestly push me to be the best version of me (athlete or not)! I am thankful for my family and my teens, who ask me “how many miles did you run today momma?”, and my hubby who just smiles when I say I have signed up for another race! I cannot wait to share my running shenanigans and everything in between … Y
